Intershop Holding AG, CH0273774791

Intershop Holding AG / CH0273774791

27.02.2025 - 07:00:17

Intershop intensifies transactions and increases net rental income and net profit in financial year 2024

Intershop Holding AG / Key word(s): Annual Results

27-Feb-2025 / 07:00 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

The Intershop Group's business developed as follows in 2024 (previous year's figures in brackets and adjusted for share split): Net profit: CHF 117.5 million, CHF 12.74 per share (CHF 82.5 million, CHF 8.95 per share) Equity: CHF 935.0 million, CHF 101.43 per share (CHF 867.3 million, CHF 94.09 per share) Return on equity: 13.4 % (9.6 %) Dividend proposal of CHF 5.50 per share Net rental income: CHF 73.2 million (CHF 71.8 million) Net yield of investment properties: 4.7 % (4.9 %) Vacancy rate for investment properties: 8.1 % (7.4 %) Net revaluation gains: CHF 59.7 million (CHF 12.0 million) Acquisition of seven properties totalling CHF 152.5 million and sale of six properties totalling CHF 77.1 million. CO2 emissions portfolio (Scope 1+2): 9.7 kg CO2e/m2 (10.1 kg CO2e/m2) Intershop looks back on a pleasing year in operational terms. Rental income rose by 2.2% to CHF 82.2 million despite the sale of properties. Drivers were rent increases and successful new lettings and re-lettings in the year under review. The disposal of six properties following the realisation of their development potential, resulted in a pre-tax profit of CHF 23.2 million. The property portfolio grew by 15.7 % to CHF 1,591.7 million at the end of the reporting year. A positive balance of transactions totalling CHF 99.1 million, investments of CHF 57.6 million and a net revaluation gains of CHF 59.7 million or 3.9 % of the portfolio value contributed to this. The revaluation gain was primarily due to two properties. The increase in the vacancy rate was partly due to the transactions but also the completion of the "Métiers Vernier" construction project. If the vacancy rates were compared on a like-for-like basis with the portfolio as at the end of 2023, the vacancy rate would have fallen by 1.8 percentage points. For the 2025 financial year, a further reduction in the vacancy rate, on a comparable basis, is to be expected. As a result of the transactions and investments, interest-bearing financial liabilities increased by 36.9 % year-on-year to CHF 522.0 million. The average interest rate at the end of the year stood at 1.40 % (previous year 1.67 %). The average fixed-interest period amounted to 3.1 years (2023: 4.3 years). Equity totalled CHF 935.0 million as at the balance sheet date and is up 7.8 % on the previous year thanks to retained earnings. The equity ratio amounted to 57.5 %. Property portfolio The year under review was characterised by a high level of transactional activity and a focus on active asset management. The seven properties acquired contributed to stable total rental income with a target rent amounting to CHF 9.3 million at the time of purchase. In addition, the development pipeline was expanded. Progress in development and promotional properties The basic fit-out of the "Metiers Vernier" commercial property was completed on schedule in March 2024 and the occupancy rate stood at 54.1 % at the end of January 2025. The extensive renovation work at "Bloom", Lausanne, is progressing according to plan. The renovation project is expected to be completed in autumn 2025. Test planning for the "Mediacampus", Zurich, to determine the potential for densification of the site was completed in the reporting year. The next possible steps for further site development are currently being evaluated. The special utilisation plan for the Oststrasse site in St. Gallen is not expected to come into force until the end of 2025 at the earliest. Planning work has already begun on the development and promotional properties acquired in the reporting year. ESG progress in the reporting year The emissions intensity of the portfolio was reduced by 4.5 % to a level of 9.7 kg CO2e/m2 (Scope 1+2). The commissioning of further photovoltaic systems in the reporting year increased the total output of all systems by 26 % year-on-year to 3,561 kWp. The certified areas of the portfolio totalled 110,300 m2 (previous year: 41,800 m2) Organisation/Personnel On 26 February 2025, the Board of Directors revised and sharpened the strategy and investment policy of the Intershop Group. The current version can be found in the 2024 Annual Report and on the website. Gregor Bucher will not be standing for re-election at the 62nd Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors would like to thank him for his commitment. The Board of Directors proposes Gabriela Theus as his successor. Gabriela Theus graduated the University of St. Gallen with a degree in Business Administration in 1999. Since then, she has undertaken further training, held leading positions of various companies in the real estate sector and has been Managing Director of Immofonds Asset Management AG, Zurich, since 2017. Due to her professional activities, Gabriela Theus has in-depth knowledge of the Swiss property market and is characterised by her comprehensive expertise. Khoa Trinh will join the management team as a member of the Executive Board from May 2025 and will be responsible for transactions. Khoa Trinh has many years of experience and extensive knowledge of the entire spectrum of the property business. Outlook Intershop anticipates a noticeable upturn in the transaction market. Opportunities for both acquisitions of properties with development potential and sales of fully developed properties will be systematically exploited. Due to acquisitions made during the 2024 financial year, the initial lettings of the two completed projects in Vernier and Basel, and an anticipated reduction in vacancies on a comparable basis, Intershop expects net rental income to increase by at least 8 % in the 2025 financial year, excluding new transactions. Overall, the Intershop Group is confident about the 2025 financial year and expects an annual result that will enable it to maintain its attractive dividend policy. Appendix Key figures Intershop Group
Company portrait Intershopis the oldest real estate company listed at SIX Swiss Exchange and invests primarily in commercial properties in Switzerland. As at 31st December 2024, the portfolio comprised 45 properties with a rentable area of around 561,000 m² and a market value of around 1.6 billion Swiss francs. Intershop invests primarily in the Zurich economic area, the Lake Geneva region and along the main transport axes. The portfolio combines high earning power and security thanks to diversification of use and geography with considerable value-added potential in the developable properties.
01.04.2025 62nd Annual General Meeting
26.08.2025 Publication of the Half-Year Report 2025 with online presentation for media representatives and Financial Analysts
Key figures Intershop Group
    2024 2023
Net rental income million CHF 73.2 71.8
Net gains from property disposals3) million CHF 23.5 31.6
Changes in fair value of properties million CHF 59.7 12.0
Operating result (EBIT) million CHF 146.2 105.2
Earnings before tax (EBT) million CHF 136.4 99.2
Net income million CHF 117.5 82.5
Cash flow from operations million CHF 30.7 81.2
Investments in real estate million CHF 208.9 77.1
Total assets million CHF 1,627.1 1,400.0
Total value of property portfolio million CHF 1,591.7 1,375.3
Financial liabilities million CHF 522.0 381.3
Shareholders’ equity million CHF 935.0 867.3
Return on equity1)   13.4% 9.6%
Return on equity excl. changes in fair value of properties1)   8.4% 8.6%
Number of investment properties   28 27
Number of development properties3)   17 16
Lettable area in m2 561,468 502,181
Gross yield2) 4)   5.5% 5.6%
Net yield2) 5)   4.7% 4.9%
Vacancy rate investment property portfolio   8.1% 7.4%
Vacancy rate development property portfolio   20.3% 18.4%
Vacancy rate total portfolio   11.9% 10.7%
Number of employees   67 70
Earnings per share 6) 10) CHF 12.74 8.95
Earnings per share excl. changes in fair value of
properties 7) 10)
CHF 7.99 8.00
Net asset value per share (NAV)8) 10) CHF 101.43 94.09
Share price at balance sheet date10) CHF 127.00 123.00
Dividend per share9) 10) CHF 5.50 5.50
1) Based on the average shareholders’ equity during the period, see «Alternative Performance Measures», Annual report 2024, page 122
2) Figures relate to investment properties at the balance sheet date
3) Including promotional properties
4) Effective annual gross rental income in proportion to the market value of the properties at the balance sheet date, see «Alternative Performance Measures», Annual report 2024, page 122
5) Effective annual gross rental income less directly attributable property costs (excluding interest expense) in proportion to the market value of the properties at the balance sheet date, see «Alternative Performance Measures», Annual report 2024, page 122
6) See «Earnings per share», Annual report 2024, page 86
7) After deducting changes in fair value of properties and associated deferred tax, see «Earnings per share», Annual report 2024, page 86
8) See «Net asset value per share», Annual report 2024, page 80
9) 2024: Proposal of the Board of Directors; 2023: Payment of an ordinary dividend of CHF 5.50 per share
10) Adjusted for share split

End of Inside Information
Language: English
Company: Intershop Holding AG
Giessereistrasse 18
8031 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 5441000
Fax: +41 44 5441001
ISIN: CH0273774791
Valor: 27377479
Listed: SIX Swiss Exchange
EQS News ID: 2092377

End of Announcement EQS News Service

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